Showing posts with label REBE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REBE. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Brain Friend Moves In

I saw the sign ‘head for rent’ and thought I couldn’t possibly pass up such an opportunity. I’ll pay in kind of course (as I don’t materially exist) and I can be a helpful adviser to you but I am you at the same time. How can that be you ponder? All I can say is that I am me talking to you but you are me and so you are talking to yourself. If that’s giving you a headache, I can’t empathise because I don’t have a head but I live inside yours. I’m the talk you hear inside your head, I’m Brain Friend and I’m here to stay.

Two of us are one
We are in this together
We will work hard to move ahead
Even in stormy weather!

Your previous tenant, old Brain Bully had set up permanent residence here and by all accounts had a great time making you sad and causing you not to try all those things you would like to do because he told you ‘you’re so dumb. Don’t even try. What’s the point?’ There are some reminders of his presence here. I can see the tear stains on your eyes from your quiet and private crying. I will help your eyes sparkle, to help you stand tall. You will feel more confident if you trust in me, if you trust in you!

Brain Bully could have stayed around a while if it wasn’t for your teacher in year 4 who said your sadness and loneliness was caused by your BB thinking. She was on the ball when she said the type of self-talk you used was unhelpful and she gave a name to it Brain Bully. You were bullying yourself all that time. When someone called you a name you agreed with them. When Brain Bully said ‘you deserve it, you are a retard. You’re not worth anything’ you were bullying yourself! You were ganging up on YOU and joining other people who would want to put you down. 

No more! I’m here, Brain Friend and into the future we go! Things have changed for you as you practice your Brain Friend self-talk and thinking. Brain Bully hasn’t gone far though and he is still hanging around. He misses being here and he will try again to move in if we are not very vigilant. So our work will never stop and we will always be on the lookout for BB, the sadness maker.

But we will practice and you will have homework to do. It’s more like headwork than homework but you’ll be doing it forever. You know a bit like the signs you see on the roadway saying ‘roadwork ahead’ where we have to slow down and make sure we do the safe and sensible thing to ensure the roads can be as good as they can be. Well imagine signs like ‘headwork in progress’ in your head where Brain Friend is keeping the place (your headspace) safe and in good working order so you can act and feel OK.
You gave BB the heave when you realised he was doing you no favours. You had told yourself for so long that you were no good you actually believed it. Some important people around you along the way didn’t help either, because they demanded you should be a good person and when you couldn’t be perfect all the time you thought there was something wrong with you. Remember BB saying ‘I should have done better’ and ‘see, I can’t do it’ and ‘I’m such a loser?’ In the end you wouldn’t try because BB said ‘you can’t do it so don’t try. It will only prove you are a loser.’
Things have changed and people say that you walk with a spring in your step that you walk tall and you smile more. Your headwork is paying dividends for you as you feel a lot better, you’re optimistic and bounce back quickly from disappointment. Way to go!


Tuesday 26 February 2013

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education - the latest.

What is the Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre?

It is a professional learning facility designed to provide quality professional learning to teachers, para professionals, counsellors and community mental health workers. The workshop program is based on the pioneering work of Dr Albert Ellis who created Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. He died in 2007 but his legacy lives on through The Centre.

What is Albert Ellis' ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance and how does this help students?

A represents what happens, B represents my constructed set of beliefs (philosophy) and C is the emotional and behavioural consequence of A + B. Through Rational Emotive Behaviour Education students learn to understand how their beliefs (B) have a significant influence on behaviour and emotions. This is useful for students because many believe that their behaviour and emotional upset is directly related to A i.e. someone or something MADE them angry/depressed/anxious. With this insight students are empowered to learn how to manage destructive negative emotions and behaviours. This is teachers work — at Stuart High School

What is the Whyalla REBE Schools Collective? 

This is a group of schools which promotes positive mental health across all curriculum areas through Rational Emotive Behaviour Education. It is a system of behaviour education that alerts students to their constructed habits of thinking which underpin their behavioural and emotional responses to daily situations. It helps students identify, challenge and change dysfunctional beliefs so that they can more efficiently pursue their goals in life. It is not behaviour management.

Through Rational Emotive Behaviour Education students are becoming aware that the manner in which they respond to situations emotionally and behaviourally is linked to the way they think about them. Once they understand this they can begin to examine their constructed habits of thinking and work to change those that aren't helpful and bolster those that do. Skilled teaching is integral to helping students understand these constructivist principles and practices.

What students are saying ...

'I didn't want to go to my maths class. I felt really anxious and a bit sick but I went anyway. I want to be successful and not going to class won't help me. I told myself I could do this.' Year 9 student at Stuart High School talking about how he deals with challenging stuff.

'I know when my teacher talks about my behaviour she is not judging me. I have learnt through REBE that I am not what I do. I am always worthwhile.' Year 10 students discussing Dr. Albert Ellis' Unconditional Self Acceptance.

Student to teacher: 'You make me angry! This sucks!' Teacher replies: "What's your rule? Is it 'its unfair when I am asked to do something I don't like and its so awful I can't stand it?' Examine your rule as it may not be a helpful one." Rational Emotive Behaviour Education at work. Rational Emotive Behaviour Education @ Whyalla Schools REBE Cooperative. — in Whyalla, South Australia.

'You can call me stupid but don't expect me to believe you. I accept myself.' Year 9 student in response to a fellow students unverifiable assertions about her.

'I can control my feelings if I check my thinking. Sometimes I think things are worse than they are.' Year 7 student. Whyalla, South Australia, Australia.

'That kid makes me so angry.' Teacher to colleague. Colleague replies 'you make yourself angry because you are demanding something you can't get at this time.' REBT - musting, oughting and shoulding. — at Stuart High School

'I told myself that it wasn't a huge problem like losing my teddy. I felt better' - Pina. A six year old student managing her emotions effectively using the Catastrophe Scale to put the 'badness' of a situation into a healthy context - Rational Emotive Behaviour Education at work. Whyalla Stuart Primary School.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Article for The National Psychologist: Master Therapists.

Albert Ellis PhD.

This appears in the current Jan/Feb 2013 edition of the National Psychologist: Vol 22, No. 1. Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis talks about her late husband and his work: Dr Albert Ellis, Master Therapist.

Albert Ellis, legendary pioneer in the field of cognitive psychology, was a genius.

He created his approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), describing its methods and techniques in clear style - through his writings, presentations, trainings and therapy sessions. REBT was understood and embraced by people within the world of psychology and those from every walk of life.
His whole-hearted and earnest goal was to help as many people as possible to suffer less emotional misery and to experience more happiness in their lives.
His tireless work over more than six decades helped millions of people change their lives for the better.

Yes, Albert Ellis was a genius.
He was my mentor, my model.
He also happened to be my husband.

When I studied the various psychological approaches during my university days, it was his approach toward which I felt magnetized. I loved its clarity, its efficiency, and its holistic embrace: recognizing the interrelationship of thinking, behavior, and emotions. I loved its humanistic and philosophical emphases, and after first meeting the man (years before we began our relationship) – I loved him. I loved his vigor, his definite and unforgettable style of communicating, his humor, his honesty, and above all his authentic care and compassion for those who were in emotional distress.

From the moment our relationship started we were practically inseparable, and l worked with him in each aspect of his work – including writing, presenting, giving workshops and co-leading groups. I witnessed his approach with students, clients and members of the public in our work settings, and in every other scenario of our lives.

I could write a large volume detailing the many outstanding qualities he exhibited as a master therapist, but for the purpose of this short article I have selected just a few of them to share with you.

  1. Authenticity, straightforwardness and practicing what he preached.
He reminded us that all humans are fallible, prone to acting both for and against our healthy goals, but that we have the power to control our emotional destinies, and that by choosing to think in healthy ways we can create appropriate and healthy emotions. With urgency he would often remind us of the swift passing of time – encouraging us to use it well, and not waste it by creating unnecessary misery.
And he did not waste a minute of his time. He would usually work 16 hour days. On planes, in doctors’ waiting rooms and elsewhere – he would never sit idly. Instead he would engage in writing, reading or composing songs and poems.
With straightforward language he would teach the REBT tools which help change and prevent emotional suffering, and often share his own experiences of using them on himself in dealing with his unhelpful tendencies. He never presented himself as someone occupying any altar of “holier that thou” perfection. He spoke of his successful efforts as a young man in overcoming painful and debilitating shyness. He spoke often of the on-going effort he continued to make to prevent, for example, his largely inherited tendency of impatience and low frustration tolerance. He reminded us that, for each one of us, ongoing work and practice are required for the maintenance of healthy change, sharing his example of doing so with successful results. Hence many people felt at ease in his company, did not feel judged or damned for any flaws – they witnessed his unconditional acceptance of himself and heard of his ongoing efforts. They felt his unconditional acceptance of them. Al was an authentic model of what he was recommending, in addition to being teacher and therapist. As a consequence of this, many were less defensive and more receptive to hearing and acting upon recommendations for changing. Al did not pander to any justifications that some people presented for continuing to think and behave in their self-defeating ways. He would dispute such ideas and did not go along passively with clients or students who were hurting themselves. His no-nonsense definite manner added to the motivating energy he provided. And underneath all of that, most people felt his genuine care and concern for their well being.

Journalists and others have written about Al’s experiences during his final years of life: being ousted off the board of his institute and then being re-instated by a Supreme Court judge (even though it was too late to have any impact); of his being stopped by directors from presenting programs in his institute (we rented a room in the building next door to continue giving workshops); and of his sadness in discovering that the original mission statement for his institute had been changed without his knowledge or approval. He felt deeply saddened by these and other related events – and yet continued to practice what he preached. He did not damn or hate the people involved – he was very clear about that. He hated their actions – but did not hate them. Hence he did not experience rage, or depression, just a deep sadness which was wholly appropriate in those circumstances. He also felt genuine compassion for those people.
One afternoon as my tears fell following an incident I considered very harsh and unjust – he gently reminded me “Accept, Debbie, accept. Since they think in the way they think, then they have to act the way they act. We don’t like it. But we had better accept it.” He taught me, and showed me, that unconditional acceptance of others is something we can choose to experience, when we are willing to put in the effort. It may not arise automatically when people act against our goals – hence effort is required. As a result of doing so I felt steadied, less devastated, less hopeless and felt appropriate concern and sadness. Consequently when I work with clients who would benefit from working to choose to accept what they cannot change, I do so with comfort and conviction. I know that I am not just spouting a familiar line or presenting a Pollyanna-ish ideal. I know from my experience that the attainment of unconditional acceptance, though often difficult to do in dire circumstances, is nonetheless achievable when one makes the choice and puts in the effort. And well worth it.

The final 14 months of Al’s life were marred by brutal ill health, yet he continued to practice what he preached. In addition to making effort to change undesirable circumstances with whatever strength he had, he accepted the likelihood that he might not succeed. Though we felt deep sadness, we also practiced another important REBT principle – accepting our sadness whilst also focusing on what was good and positive. Each and every day we relished being together, grateful for our love and remarkable closeness. Though so many things were not going well, we still had one another. And with gratitude we focused on that love, and cherished it.

  1. Humor and Keeping Things in Healthy Perspective.

Al included the use of humor as being one of the helpful responses to adopt when circumstances were challenging. He had sharp wit and an uninhibited way of expressing his observations that led many listeners to laugh and to take things less seriously. In one workshop demonstration with Al, a woman shared her negatively critical impressions of her appearance, thinking she would never meet a romantic partner, that she was “never good enough”, and was feeling depressed and anxious as a result. Al asked her from where she got such nutty ideas. She responded “From magazines and family” – to which he answered, “So they are as crazy as you are!”
He said this warmly, with a smile on his face, and she roared with laughter, gaining new perspective on her unrealistic thoughts and self assessments, as he continued to use REBT with her. Over time she successfully worked with Al to stop putting herself down, and her depression and anxiety diminished remarkably.

In our everyday life together Al used humor constantly – including during the tough times.
In 2003 after some months of abdominal discomfort, Al suffered severe symptoms and we rushed to the hospital. His large intestine was severely infected and in danger of bursting at any moment.
Immediate surgery was required, his life was in danger, and the whole of his large intestine was about to be removed. When I told Al this news, instead of complaining, he said “At least they’re not taking my balls!”

2013 is the centennial anniversary year of Al’s birth.
Born with great intelligence and capacity for innovation and creativity, his life and work and his immense dedication to helping people, contributed to their well being in profound ways.
He was a deeply caring and truly golden-hearted man.
His practice, modeling and teaching of the benefit of choosing to constantly work on gaining and experiencing compassion, kindness and unconditional acceptance of oneself, others and life itself during challenging times may have been one of his most important contributions. This attitude was healing for the recipient and elevating for the practitioner.
His life and works will inspire many for years to come.

                                        Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Dr. Albert Ellis and Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis

Ellis, A. & Ellis, D.J. (2011) Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. American Psychological Association: Washington DC.
Ellis, A. (2010) All Out! An Autobiography. Prometheus Books: Amherst, N.Y.
Ellis, A. (2005) The Myth of Self Esteem. Prometheus Books: Amherst, N.Y.

Friday 4 January 2013

The ABC of Psychological Immunisation

‘You can’t teach young students the ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance and it should only be used by a trained psychologist in the counselling setting.’ Albert Ellis railed against this kind of misinformation put forth to preserve the status of the psychologist as ‘expert.’ Ellis of course wanted his ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance to be accessible to all, especially to teachers and students. Far better that young children learn why they feel and act as they do and to develop insights and skills preventatively and educatively in the school setting.

Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine hypothesised that if we could ‘psychologically immunise’ students they would be less prone to mental health issues and would probably be physically better off too.

Bat Fink, the cartoon character said to his enemies ‘your bullets cannot harm me, my wings are like shields of steel?’ He would wrap his wings around himself deflecting any harmful bullets from hitting him, thwarting those who would have him undone.  

Teaching students how to deflect psychological harm as part of daily curricula activities would be a useful thing. Rational Emotive Behaviour Education does just that by using some basic but essential counselling tools and ideas. To those who may think ‘I am not a psychologist and I have enough to teach’ consider the following and reap the benefits.

1.     Kids actions are determined largely by their constructed views (beliefs) about themselves, others and the world (as indeed our own are).
2.     These beliefs can be largely helpful (rational) or unhelpful (irrational).
3.     Strength of emotion is also linked to these constructed views – ‘I want something and I must have it and I didn’t get it.’= anger. ‘I want something and I prefer to have it but I can wait.’ = disappointment.
4.     Thinking, feeling and behaving are connected – ‘Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so!’ Hamlet.


1.     Teach how broccoli is only good or bad depending on what you think about it (replace broccoli with ‘maths’ ‘chores’ etc)
2.     Teach the Emotional Thermometer – words for varying strength of feeling.
3.     Teach the Catastrophe Scale – how to put the severity of problems into reasonable perspective (is a sore toe as bad as your favourite pet gerbil being eaten by a cat)
4.     Provide behaviour specific feedback to students not person specific (you did that well/badly not you are a lazy klutz!)
5.     You can do dumb but not be dumb, a very important distinction (you ARE NOT what you DO. You ARE NOT what others THINK of you). You can fail at something but never can you BE a failure (unless you believe you are – irrational)

Use the idea of Bat Fink deflecting harmful bullets and encourage students to consider information and evidence to draw their own conclusions about their self worth and rejecting (deflecting) errant incoming data. Can a person be bad? No. A person can act badly which does not cancel out the positive qualities that remain.  Failure also doesn’t define a person nor does rejection i.e. we are worthwhile because we are here! (Albert Ellis – Unconditional Self-Acceptance).

Your bullets cannot harm me!

Friday 19 October 2012

REBT and Aspergers

The English lingo is replete with idioms that would pose a problem or two to a student with Aspergers Syndrome. Certain turns of phrase would be as clear as muddy water! She would remain none the wiser if you were to ask her to ‘pull your socks up’ or ‘pull your finger out'or 'take a chair!’ Are you with me? She’d be flat out trying to cop on to the message.  How difficult would it be to get a handle on the meaning of a message if it can only be taken literally.

Consider the expressions ‘to get a handle on something’ and ‘turns of phrase’ mentioned above. Somehow we internalise these expressions, which make particular meanings and we draw them out of our linguistic hat and use them in the right place at the right time in the right context (We hope!). But what of the student who has Aspergers Syndrome?  What assumptions can we make about her capacity to understand these culturally specific idioms?

I was once asked to observe a student in the classroom setting as the teacher had some concerns about the child’s behaviour. I asked the student on one occasion ‘is that your paper under the desk there? To which he replied ‘yes it is’ and continued to carry on doing what he was doing. Implied in my words and tone was ‘there’s paper under your desk. I assume it’s yours and will you pick it up?’ I expected that the student would understand this, as most other students would do in my experience. I remember I found this interesting and repeated what I asked before. The result was exactly the same and then it dawned on me (‘to dawn on someone’ – another one!) that this person might be exhibiting characteristics of Aspergers Syndrome.   He understood the literal meaning of what I had said and responded accordingly but had missed the other more subtle meanings conveyed by tone and body language. How much more trouble would this student have dealing with idiomatic terms such as those mentioned above?

As it turned out he was diagnosed eventually as having Aspergers Syndrome.

What can happen if we assume a student ‘should’ know what was being asked of him? He would be reprimanded possibly labeled a naughty so and so who ‘should’ show more respect to his elders! The student would be wondering what’s going on. ‘You asked me if that was my paper under my desk and I answered you. Why am I in trouble?’ And it would escalate from there as mutual misunderstanding prevailed. 

As Karen Horney once said

‘Try to eliminate the word ‘SHOULD’ from your vocabulary … but try doing so though without replacing ‘SHOULD’ with OUGHT or YOU”D better.”

Karen Horney

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education reminds us that when we operate from a ‘shouldist’ perspective we don’t make helpful judgements and we don’t feel our optimum best.  Our ‘behaviour management’ approach to addressing student behaviour is based on such a perspective. All students are the same and they should all know better. Right?

Not true. Someone once said, ‘treating everyone the same is not equality.’
However we continue to persist with this system of warnings, detention, suspension and exclusion. Why is this approach unhelpful to our Aspergers student? What ‘musts’ ‘oughts’ and ‘shoulds’ underpin this one size fits all approach to behaviour (mis)education?

Rational Emotive Behaviour Educators will:

·  Not assume that all students absolutely should behave as the teacher believes they must.

·  Remain calm as they will not demand that they should get something that they know they won’t get (in the short term).

·  Teach students how their thinking feeling and behaviour are linked together.

·  Negotiate learning goals with students to help them develop their competencies.

·  Regard behaviour education as part of the curriculum and not exclusive of it.

Specific to the Asperger child the Rational Emotive Behaviour Educator will:

·  Understand that she will take things literally so teaching about idiom would help or choosing not to use it is an option in some situations.

·  Be explicit, ‘please pick up that paper under your desk?’ rather than ‘is that your paper under the desk?’

·   Help her challenge inflexible ‘must’ expectations e.g. ‘People must always behave as I believe they must’ or ‘things always must be the way I want them to be’ (social stories, change classroom furniture, change the timetable) by exposing the student to subtle and explained changes.

·  Teach her to put the ‘badness’ of situations in perspective, to decatastrophise so she accepts that when she doesn’t get what she believes she must have, she can handle it.

·  Teach her to prefer rather than demand that others/the world should always give her what she wants.

Foreshore, Whyalla, South Australia

Sunday 29 July 2012

Give It a Try Banana Pie!

How do you help young children develop and sustain healthy habits of thinking? By having fun of course! Learning is a serious business and it’s important to have some serious fun on our learning journey.

Children learn our behaviour, interpret the messages they receive, and process information accordingly. They construct their own set of rules, belief system that will guide them in the choices they make. These can be by and large helpful or unhelpful, rational or irrational.

Give it at try banana pie! There’s more to this than meets the eye!

We want our children to develop the capacity to take on tasks with a view to do their best and to hang in there when the going gets tough. This is the ‘if it’s to be it’s up to me’ idea that helps the individual to complete tasks and build on self-confidence. Here are some ideas for teachers and parents/carers to use.

When children are working say:

‘You are giving it a try banana pie! (thumbs up gesture)

When the task is complete say:

‘You gave it a try banana pie!' accompanied by a thumbs up gesture and a highly animated facial expression (more exaggerated the better!)

When talking to a group before starting a task say:

‘What are we going to do?’ Response: ‘Give it a try banana pie! 

When you are doing something separate from the group say out loud:

‘I can’t do it this. It is too hard!’ and the children will say ‘Give it a try banana pie! ‘Thanks kids you helped me to keep going!’ you reply.

At the end of the day say to the children, ‘we did lots of stuff today and even when things didn’t go our way what did we do?’ And you will hear them say in unison:

‘We gave it a try banana pie!’

And what will we do tomorrow? Guess what they say?

The above is teaching the children some valuable ideas and competencies in a seriously fun way such as:

       ‘If it’s to be its up to me’ – internal locus of control.
         Hard work pays off in the end.
       ‘Giving up stops me doing things.’

The more things I do and finish the more I believe I can achieve my goals.’ (Confidence
‘I can fail but I’m not a failure.

Everyone can do different things and they have unique qualities.’

‘We are all good a lots of different things.’

Give It a Try Banana Pie!

Some things are easy
Some things are hard
But I will always try!
When things get tough
I will say
‘Give it a try banana pie!’

The ideas outlined in this blog are contained in the Early Childhood program 'Have a Go Spaghettio!' a resilience building program based on Rational Emotive Behaviour Education. Max and Sam always 'Give it a try banana pie!"

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Self-Acceptance or Self Esteem? In memory of Dr Albert Ellis

Inevitably failure and rejection are part and parcel of our experience. It is very energy sapping to protect our children from every vagary of human existence. Such vigilance also denies our children the opportunity to deal with disappointment and build their own resilience to tough situations. Children need our support and guidance but they also have to learn to stand on their own two feet and protecting them from the reality of rejection and failure does them no favours. "We have to give them self- esteem so that they feel good about themselves,' so has been the wisdom of the recent educational past. What is self esteem and how can you give it to someone? Albert Ellis who passed away five years ago this week said:

'Self-esteem is the greatest sickness known to man or woman because it's conditional.' 

He was on to something here, people learning to esteem themselves according to how others viewed them or how well they did at tasks was the order of the day. "I'm good because so and so said I am or I am clever because my teacher said I was. Aren't I good girl?" No you're not! Your self esteem will evaporate quickly until the next time someone else tells you how good you are! You grow to need the approval of others and the fix of getting an A grade in your assignments but this doesn't make you good, clever or any other label you want to put on your sorry self! 

No one can give you the worth you've always had and therefore no one can take it away and it is understanding this that gives you resilience. Dr Ellis calls this Unconditional Self Acceptance (USA) meaning 'I'm worthwhile EVEN if you don't think so and EVEN if I get an E in my English assignment.' So you can keep your 'warm fuzzies' to yourself!

Student A in High School A in Australia has four younger siblings and a mother who is dependent on her. Her father left many years ago. She is 14 years old and after she helps dress and feed her family she gets herself off to school everyday. She has dreams and aspirations and daily she 'steps up to the plate' ready for the next 'curve ball' that life will inevitably pitch her way. Will she be called home to help her mentally ill mother or will the local primary school ask her to come and help her younger sister because she 'misses' her so much? This is not a 'once upon a fairytale' situation, this is daily reality for this student. What benefit that she continue to seek the approval of others so that she can 'esteem herself' as a worthwhile person? None whatsoever! What can her school do about it?

Albert Ellis said that people who unconditionally accept themselves are less likely to suffer the ravages of extreme depression, anger and anxiety because they don't take what others think of them or how they perform at tasks TOO seriously. Why? Because what they think about themselves is more important than how others view them. 'Think as you will but don't expect me to agree with you' is another way to put it. This idea is embedded in the principles and practice of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy created by Albert Ellis in the 1950's and which is a core component of the new 'Positive Psychology' that has been touted in recent years. Albert Ellis was the original Positive Psychologist.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education is the application of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in teaching practice across all curriculum areas. A school that teaches students daily that their worth is not at question when they fail at a task or find that others reject them and that they are always worthwhile will be protected against Serious Approval Dependence (SAD). This (USA) is the antidote to 'self esteem sickness' and REBE delivers this to very child day in and day out. 

Albert Ellis said:

'I think the future of psychotherapy and psychology is in the school system. We need to teach every child how to rarely seriously disturb himself or herself and how to overcome disturbance when it occurs.'

To student A above, though your life is tough and it is difficult to get to school every day and because you may feel so desperate at times is not reason to avoid your studies and to give in. Hang in there and remember you are always worthwhile no matter what! This is the REBE philosophy.

In memory of Dr Albert Ellis creator of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy who passed away on July 24th 2007 Vale

The Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre was opened in April this year in honour of the work and legacy Dr Albert Ellis. This news item was produced by Southern Cross Regional TV in South Australia. 

The ABC’s of REBE - Rational Emotive Behaviour Education

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education (REBE) is a powerful teaching tool to use in the classroom at any level. It is based on REBT (Rational ...