Additional Information

Arthur is on the Spectrum

Bonsai, Marshmallow and Helicopter Kids

REBT in Schools - Shakespeare's Hamlet and thinking This article by Giulio published in CBT Today Magazine, UK illustrates how literature, in this case Shakespeare's Hamlet can be used to teach and reinforce the REBT philosophy that how we think about things impacts on how we feel and behave. If students can understand this they are on their way to learning how to best manage themselves behaviourally and emotionally.

REBT and Self Worth - happy and healthy children This article by Giulio published in Psychology Today as part of a tribute series to the late Dr Albert Ellis, creator of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy uses the popular rhyme Little Jack Horner to explore the idea of self worth, what it means and how we help our children develop this very important habit of believing.

How school children's acceptance of self and others relate to their attitudes to victims of bullying.(Report) This research (Bortolozzo/Rigby) explores the relationship between REBT personal competencies of self and other acceptance and children's attitudes towards victims of bullying. 

Article about Giulio  The Whyalla News has been a strong supporter of school based mental health promotion/education in Whyalla.

Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre to be opened  The Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre was the first of its kind in the world. Three to four hundred educators and allied professionals attended various professional learning opportunities in its short but highly effective existence. Feedback has been consistently positive towards to the 'Whyalla Model.'

The REBT Network - custodian of Albert Ellis'work and Legacy This website provides information about Albert Ellis and his work. It has links to other sites and resources for those interested in REBT.

Mental Health Promotion in Schools - Whyalla, South Australia This is blog post which talks about the successful opening of the worlds first 'Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre' in Whyalla, South Australia.

Albert Ellis' Legacy Lives On - Whyalla, South Australia Again I thank the support of CBT Magazine UK for its support of the work of educators using REBT principles in daily practise. This item talks about the 'Albert Ellis Professional earning Centre' established in Whyalla, in South Australia.

Grieving the Loss of Self When Narcissistic Feed Dries Up

Professor Sam Vaknin is an authority on narcissistic personality disorder. His videos are informative and well communicated which helped my ...