Comments | Endorsements

Educators and Counsellors 

‘I have been interested in this approach for a while but did not know how to apply it to the classroom. It was wonderful to be given the strategies needed.’ Teacher

‘I loved learning about the REBE approach. It was great to learn practical ways to implement it. It is very relevant. I feel like it relates well to our classroom dynamics.’ Teacher

‘REBE (Rational Emotive Behaviour Education) is very relevant to my role as counsellor.’ Counsellor

‘This has really filled in gaps and answers questions that have been on my mind for a lot of years. It is all very relevant and will work well at our school.’ Teacher

‘This is very relevant to the work I do with students. I appreciate how REBT is linked to the Australian Curriculum and how it can be implemented in schools.’ Teacher

‘REBE has improved behaviour at my school. Suspensions, take homes and exclusions were all down from the previous 2 years.’ Counsellor

‘Extremely relevant to case management.’ Counsellor


‘I have read your People and Emotions and find that it is one of the very best books that presents the principles and practices of REBT to (primary and secondary) children. It is very clear and practical.’

Dr Albert Ellis, creator of REBT

‘As a highly skilled exponent of Rational Emotive Behaviour Education, Giulio has repeatedly demonstrated the value of his work in helping school children to cope more effectively with interpersonal conflicts, including bullying and harassment.’  Dr Ken Rigby

'The Have a Go Spaghettio! early childhood resource hits the spot with the younger audience.'

Dr Albert Ellis, creator of REBT

Giulio’s work is well supported by research that he and I have undertaken with Australian Schoolchildren and presented together at national conferences.’  
                                                                                                           Dr. Ken Rigby

Grieving the Loss of Self When Narcissistic Feed Dries Up

Professor Sam Vaknin is an authority on narcissistic personality disorder. His videos are informative and well communicated which helped my ...