Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Narcissists Need Your Admiration - when too much is never enough!

The narcissist has an approval need receptacle somewhere in their subconscious. It leaks like a sieve it seems, and the more its fed by admiring others, the need to be admired never diminishes, it just intensifies. No matter how much they are adored and revered, too much is never enough. They are constantly in ‘tell me how much you love me mode.’ If we were to suggest a rule that drives this kind of need it might be:

‘I need your approval for me to feel OK about myself.’

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, created by Albert Ellis, would suggest, that this kind of need is characterised by an attitude of demand, a belief that one must get what one wants i.e., the approval of others because only then will one feel OK about themselves. This is what Ellis calls ‘musturbatory’ thinking, where the person believes they absolutely must have the approval of others if they are to feel OK, to have and maintain positive self-worth.

This need puts that person at considerable risk because they can only feel ok if they receive the positive affirmation of others. In other words, they believe that they are only OK if others say or indicate that they are. These beliefs are forged over time as the young child is socialised in ways that conveys the message ‘you are OK only if I think you are.’

‘Depression and anxiety are linked to conditional acceptance of self.’ 

People can be helped to challenge and change their irrational expectation that they need the approval of others to be worthwhile and as a Rational Emotive Behaviour Counsellor this is my core business. The goal is to help them understand that their worth is unconditional, they can develop unconditional self-acceptance, if they commit to some hard work!

But what of the narcissist school leader, whose addiction to others’ approval, seems never ending? Can they be supported and guided beyond the self-defeating need to be admired, loved, approved, and adored by others? The answer is no, not likely. The narcissist cannot admit that they may have any kind of psychological deficit, as this would not fit the image of themselves as the perfect person they believe they are. They cannot admit to any fault that would challenge this illusion.

‘The narcissist cannot allow others to see that they are really insecure and unhappy individuals.’

Not only do they seek the approval of their acolyte friends and colleagues, but they also believe they are entitled to it and others must regard them in the high esteem to which they have grown accustomed. So, they surround themselves with those who are prepared to feed their need to be loved, and this reverence must be on tap, available at all times, as the narcissist cannot accept themselves unconditionally. 

Look out those who aren’t taken in by the machinations of the narcissist; they become the enemy. As they don’t join in the ‘tell me how great I am’ game they fall foul of the delusional egoist. They are not in their circle of preferred others and will become targets of intimidation and exclusion. Such personal attacks are targeted, persistent and enabled by trusted others. The narcissist believes they deserve this as they don’t give them what they are entitled to, unconditional admiration and support. This is bullying!

‘A narcissist considers only their needs, wants and desires. These are their priorities and others become invisible.’

As I write this, I can appreciate that it may appear that I have some kind of obsessive preoccupation with what is termed NPD, Narcissist Personality Disorder. I am of course interested in this as a counsellor but also as someone who has had to negotiate the behaviours of this personality type in my own experiences in schools as a school leader, educator, and counsellor. I am and have been wary and I have chosen not to get involved in the narcissists need to have me ‘on side’ as an enabler. Hence, I have experienced the ignominy of banishment to the periphery of acceptance, respect, and inclusion. Demoted to the outer so to speak.

This is a list of some things that the narcissist school leader will do to keep their coveted position:

- Encourage and support those sycophant others who agree with them and do their bidding

- Reward preferred others with gifts and other privileges

- Invite them to join their circle of friends (would you be my FB friend?)

- Spread unsubstantiated rumours about targeted others

- Enlist the help of their enablers to dismiss and demean the work of others

- Use their ‘spies’ to report back to them about what others are doing

- Instruct enablers to ignore and exclude others

- Maintain their overinflated sense of importance at all costs

- Fantasise about power, success, and image

- Take advantage of others, taking credit from others

- Dismiss the needs and feelings of others

'When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but you stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth just like you did.'  ― Jill Blakeway

How does this behaviour go unchecked? This is a good question and may be addressed at another time on this blog.


Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Brain Friend Moves In

I saw the sign ‘head for rent’ and thought I couldn’t possibly pass up such an opportunity. I’ll pay in kind of course (as I don’t materially exist) and I can be a helpful adviser to you but I am you at the same time. How can that be you ponder? All I can say is that I am me talking to you but you are me and so you are talking to yourself. If that’s giving you a headache, I can’t empathise because I don’t have a head but I live inside yours. I’m the talk you hear inside your head, I’m Brain Friend and I’m here to stay.

Two of us are one
We are in this together
We will work hard to move ahead
Even in stormy weather!

Your previous tenant, old Brain Bully had set up permanent residence here and by all accounts had a great time making you sad and causing you not to try all those things you would like to do because he told you ‘you’re so dumb. Don’t even try. What’s the point?’ There are some reminders of his presence here. I can see the tear stains on your eyes from your quiet and private crying. I will help your eyes sparkle, to help you stand tall. You will feel more confident if you trust in me, if you trust in you!

Brain Bully could have stayed around a while if it wasn’t for your teacher in year 4 who said your sadness and loneliness was caused by your BB thinking. She was on the ball when she said the type of self-talk you used was unhelpful and she gave a name to it Brain Bully. You were bullying yourself all that time. When someone called you a name you agreed with them. When Brain Bully said ‘you deserve it, you are a retard. You’re not worth anything’ you were bullying yourself! You were ganging up on YOU and joining other people who would want to put you down. 

No more! I’m here, Brain Friend and into the future we go! Things have changed for you as you practice your Brain Friend self-talk and thinking. Brain Bully hasn’t gone far though and he is still hanging around. He misses being here and he will try again to move in if we are not very vigilant. So our work will never stop and we will always be on the lookout for BB, the sadness maker.

But we will practice and you will have homework to do. It’s more like headwork than homework but you’ll be doing it forever. You know a bit like the signs you see on the roadway saying ‘roadwork ahead’ where we have to slow down and make sure we do the safe and sensible thing to ensure the roads can be as good as they can be. Well imagine signs like ‘headwork in progress’ in your head where Brain Friend is keeping the place (your headspace) safe and in good working order so you can act and feel OK.
You gave BB the heave when you realised he was doing you no favours. You had told yourself for so long that you were no good you actually believed it. Some important people around you along the way didn’t help either, because they demanded you should be a good person and when you couldn’t be perfect all the time you thought there was something wrong with you. Remember BB saying ‘I should have done better’ and ‘see, I can’t do it’ and ‘I’m such a loser?’ In the end you wouldn’t try because BB said ‘you can’t do it so don’t try. It will only prove you are a loser.’
Things have changed and people say that you walk with a spring in your step that you walk tall and you smile more. Your headwork is paying dividends for you as you feel a lot better, you’re optimistic and bounce back quickly from disappointment. Way to go!


Grieving the Loss of Self When Narcissistic Feed Dries Up

Professor Sam Vaknin is an authority on narcissistic personality disorder. His videos are informative and well communicated which helped my ...