Showing posts with label Whyalla REBE School Collective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whyalla REBE School Collective. Show all posts

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre 2014 Program

The Albert Ellis Centre has provided professional learning to educators, counsellors and allied professionals for more than two years now.

The Centre is a community resource committed to providing quality learning based on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. REBT is the original positive psychology and is referenced in many popular websites like Kidsmatter, Headspace, MindMatters to name a few. It is a core component of and complements Martin Seligmans Positive Psychology model.

The Centre has the support of the REBT Network ( which represents the work and legacy of Dr. Albert Ellis, the grandfather of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).

The Centre would like to thank the support of Event Strategies (Eire) and would welcome the support of other community agencies and organisations which would like to partner the Centre in mental health promotion and education. An exciting sponsorship partnership is in prospect which will be made public in the near future.
The attached 2014 Centre program below is for educators, counsellors and other agency professionals and para professionals who want to support their clients achieve social, emotional and behavioural well being. It would be appreciated if you could promote this program via your networks. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Salute to TC's Impact on Psychology: A tribute to Albert Ellis

Teacher College has been a hot bed of thinking and creativity for more than a century. The brightest luminary (in my opinion) is Dr Albert Ellis whose REBTspawned the cognitive therapy revolution. The REBE School Cluster in Whyalla South Australia wishes to acknowledge the rich legacy of thinking and creativity that Dr Ellis has left us. We continue to apply his ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance in learning and teaching across all year levels (preschool to year 10) so that children can learn to be less disturbable and more able to pursue their goals in life, to be happy and successful. Thanks Dr Ellis from all of us Rational Emotive Behaviour Educators in Whyalla, South Australia. Have a look at this tribute to the life and work of a true legend of psychology, Dr. Albert Ellis.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre is One Year Old!

Below is a short message of acknowledgement from Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis of the first anniversary of the opening of the Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre in Whyalla, South Australia. More than 200  educators, counsellors, allied professionals and para professionals have attended workshops in that time. The focus is on helping students and people in general work on their emotional and behavioural well being.  Using Dr. Albert Ellis' ABC Theory of Emotional and Behavioural Disturbance students learn how they have constructed their irrational personal philosophies that drive anger, anxiety, shame and depression over their life time. Rational Emotive Behaviour Education provides the means to deconstruct their errant and self defeating habits of believing and develop more healthy and rational ones.

"I send my congratulations to Giulio Bortolozzo, and to all who practice REBE at Stuart High School, for the ongoing excellent contributions they make to students, and to one another, as they continue to apply the caring principles of REBT.
I remember with fondness my time with all there one year ago, at the opening of the Centre, and how the precious students touched my heart. I send each of them my love. I wish Giulio my ongoing best wishes as he continues to contribute to the well-being of many."

Below is the a news item about the opening on April 30th 2012 courtesy of Southern Cross News.
The Albert Ellis Centre will continue to provide REBT based professional learning programs into the future supporting all schools in the implementation of the Rational Emotive Behaviour Education approach to student emotional and behavioural well being promotion. REBE is a constructivist theory based program that promotes the 7 General Capabilities outlined in the new Australian Curriculum. It helps students develop competencies that will enable them to work toward their personal and learning goals. This is a whole school approach in promoting positive psychological strengths and capabilities in our young people.

Below is the Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre program for the remainder of the year. This is open to all people - educators, allied professionals, parent groups and para professionals who want to know about REBT and how to apply it in their particular contexts. The Centre is located at Stuart High School in Whyalla, South Australia.

Here's to another successful year! Cheers!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

I am the best - the teacher told me so!

‘The teacher said I’m the best pupil’ the student declares proudly (see picture below). What does this mean? The individual may construe this in a rational way or an irrational way. Rational Emotive Behaviour Education teaches student’s about Unconditional Self - Acceptance that demonstrates how one positive or one negative personal attribute or characteristic does not or cannot define categorically a person’s total value.  It teaches students that their worth isn’t given to them by others and therefore cannot be taken away. They have worth because they exist and ‘that’s that’ as Albert Ellis would say. The same applies to success and failure.  We can fail at something but does that make us failures?

This is a very important insight for students to have. How many students measure their worth according to how well they do in their exams? Or how they are esteemed by others? When we measure our worth according to how others view us or how well we do we are at great risk. Why? Because when people we like do not like us and when we bomb out in our studies (as may happen) we may view this to mean that that we are unlikeable, dumb and unworthy. Dr. Ellis would say that this is self-defeating musturbatory thinking. Must we absolutely always achieve our goals and must we have the love and respect of all significant others?

Our subject, the ‘best pupil’ may seek the approval of the teacher and others in order to validate his personal worth. If he needs the approval of significant others (his teacher) he will work hard to ‘please’ the teacher at every opportunity. He may develop Serious Approval Dependence (SAD) and experience exaggerated levels of anxiety (I must do well. It would be awful if I didn’t). He may outperform his peers in some aspects of the curriculum and he could consistently achieve high grades but this cannot determine his overall worth as a person. He has some faults and hopefully more positive attributes so it is impossible to rate him as ‘the best.’
Better that he consider his teachers assertion that he is the best pupil in some kind of perspective; 

‘yeah I do well because I work hard and I’m good at some things and I feel good about that. I am not the best pupil because Mary is by far a better artist than I am and I don’t do so well at music. The teacher may consider me the best but that’s his opinion. I know I am OK and worthwhile but not any better or worse than anyone else. I accept myself even when I do badly at things.'

Use the picture from People and Emotions to explore these ideas. What might the other student be thinking? Would she feel upset about this or really angry? Would she feel sad and disappointed or really depressed about the teacher’s appraisal of our ‘best’ pupil?
Teach your students the link between thinking (believing) feeling and behaviour. Tell them about helpful thinking (rational) like:

Unconditional Self-acceptance: I accept myself warts and all. I cannot be bad or good. I’m worthwhile even when I fail and others reject me.

Unconditional Other Acceptance: I accept others because they exist like me. I won’t judge their person but I can judge aspects of their person and decide not to associate with them if I choose. I can dislike a behaviour which though bad doesn’t make them totally bad.

Unconditional Life Acceptance: I accept that the world isn’t for me or against me. Sometimes things won’t go my way. I don’t expect that I should always get what I want (though I prefer I did).

These attitudes/beliefs/philosophies give rise to manageable, healthy negative emotions like sadness, concern and annoyance.

On the other hand the following attitudes/beliefs/philosophies (irrational) precipitate feelings of anger/rage, depression and anxiety.

Conditional Self-Acceptance: I am only worthwhile if others think so or if I do well at things. If I fail it means I am a failure, which is awful, and I can’t stand it.

Conditional Other Acceptance: I accept others only if they meet my idea of what’s normal/cool/ok. If they don’t they deserve to be punished and ridiculed and ignored.

Conditional Life Acceptance: Things must go my way and if they don’t it’s not fair and I can’t stand it. It is awful!

The poem below is written from the perspective of the student who is not the best pupil according to the teacher.

A group of schools in Whyalla, the Whyalla REBE School Cluster, teach these ideas through Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy across all curriculum areas. A good thing to do indeed!

The teacher said …

The teacher said that he’s the best,
And this must mean, for sure 
That I have no worth, that I’m no good 
And there’s no point in trying anymore.

Well that’s a view that one can take
If that is what you choose to do
But where’s the evidence, all the facts
That prove what you say is true?

It’s nice to be liked and noticed
Of this there is no doubt
But it’s not what others think
That this is all about!

We are all worthwhile and worthy
Believe me, I insist 
That it’s true and so it follows
We are worthwhile because we exist!

Work hard to reach your goals
And remember it is true 
That not trying will not hurt others
As much as it will hurt you! 

The said 'I'm the best!'
Copyright People and Emotions

The ABC’s of REBE - Rational Emotive Behaviour Education

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education (REBE) is a powerful teaching tool to use in the classroom at any level. It is based on REBT (Rational ...