Showing posts with label psychologists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychologists. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 February 2013

The REBT Network and Albert Ellis

The information below is taken from the REBT Network site ( This website was set up to provide information and support to those interested in Dr. Albert Ellis' Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. A network of schools is applying REBT across all year levels through Rational Emotive Behaviour Education in Whyalla, South Australia. All teachers have been trained in the understanding and application of Ellis' REBT. They are successfully using Ellis' renowned and tested ABC Theory Theory of Emotional Disturbance to teach students how feelings and behaviours are attached to constructed personal philosophies about ourselves, others and life. The Whyalla REBE School Network appreciates the support given to educators to help students fulfill their potential.

Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
The REBT Network was established in 2006 to promote Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and the life and work of its creator, Dr. Albert Ellis, Ph.D.  Central to REBT's teachings is the ancient psychological insight of Epictetus, who said, “What disturbs men's minds is not events but their judgments on events.”  That idea helped REBT become both an effective, evidence-based psychotherapy and a philosophy of living.

The REBT Network is a public service, news organization designed to provide self-help information, news updates, historical background and educational essays about REBT and the contributions of Dr. Albert Ellis to the field of psychology and philosophy.  We sell no products or services.

Dr. Ellis founded an educational and therapy institute in 1959, which is now known as the Albert Ellis Institute.   From 2005, up until the time of his death, Dr. Ellis was involved in a legal dispute with the Albert Ellis Institute, which he said was following an agenda that is in many ways inconsistent with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.  The REBT Network is in no way affiliated with the Albert Ellis Institute.
Albert Ellis Ph.D. was a clinical psychologist who trained as a psychoanalyst. Early in his career, he became disillusioned with the slow progress of his clients. He noticed that they got better much quicker once they changed their ways of thinking about themselves and their problems. In 1955 he developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is now a widely-practiced, comprehensive, and highly effective form of psychotherapy. In addition to being a proven therapy, REBT offers an approach to life that leads to greater fulfillment and happiness. At the heart of REBT are the concepts of unconditional self-acceptance, unconditional other-acceptance, and unconditional life-acceptance.

Please visit for more information.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Press Release: Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD

2013 is the Centennial Anniversary of the birth of Dr Albert Ellis Ph.D. Below is a press release written by his wife Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis. 

Contact: Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis:

Dr Albert Ellis ignited, and powerfully fuelled, the cognitive revolution in psychology, counseling and therapy, with his pioneering approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in the 1950’s. In addition, he helped transform limiting and uncivil social mores and attitudes of the time, with his vigorous actions supporting equality for women, gay rights, inter-racial marriage, ending of censorship and many more. He has often been referred to as “The greatest humanitarian since Gandhi”. He wrote over 85 published books and over 800 published articles, presented tirelessly around the USA and across the globe, and helped millions of people through his REBT approach to suffer less emotional misery and to experience more happiness in their lives.

During his Centennial year 2013, his wife Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis is available to speak about Dr Albert Ellis and his legacy.

Born September 27th, 1913, this year marks the centennial anniversary of his birth. At various major conferences throughout the year tribute will be given to this great man and his contributions. He will be honored posthumously on August 1st, 2013 in the opening ceremony of the annual American Psychological Association convention with the ‘APA Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology’, which is one of APA’s highest honors.
The first tribute of the year will be presented in a Symposium at the annual Eastern Psychological Association conference, held in New York City, in March 2013. It is hoped that many will attend the various tributes throughout the year, and be inspired by the remarkable works and character of Albert Ellis PhD.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis

Friday 5 March 2010

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Workshop Adelaide April 16th

An REBT workshop is scheduled for Adelaide which will be of interest to anyone working in the mental health/education fields. Guest speaker Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis will be coming from New York to share her expertise and experience as an REBT therapist and to talk to us about the pioneering work of her late husband Dr. Albert Ellis who created Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. We will look at practical ways of applying Dr. Ellis' ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance in addressing issues such as anger, anxiety and depression. We will also look at ways in which REBT can be applied in the school setting as an educative, restorative practice through BEHAVIOUR EDUCATION. This workshop will explore the theory and principles of REBT in an interactive and practical way . Learn about MUSTURBATORY thinking/behaviour, awfulising and the greatest sickness known to humankind 'self esteem!' Learn how to help ourselves and others to be better managers of our feelings and behaviour so that we can pursue and achieve our goals in life.

We will also consider the findings of the latest research of Dr. Ken Rigby (Uni SA) and Giulio Bortolozzo on bullying in schools that demonstrate how REBT can be a powerful anti bullying, resilience building tool in the school setting.

The workshop is at the Education Development Centre in Hindmarsh South Australia on April 16th. Lunch and refreshments are included in the cost. Please e mail if you are interested.

This workshop is dedicated to the creator of REBT, Dr. Albert Ellis Ph.D. who said ...

‘Life has inevitable suffering as well as pleasure. By realistically thinking, feeling and acting to enjoy what you can, and unangrily and unwhiningly accepting painful aspects that cannot be changed - you open yourself to much joy".

The ABC’s of REBE - Rational Emotive Behaviour Education

Rational Emotive Behaviour Education (REBE) is a powerful teaching tool to use in the classroom at any level. It is based on REBT (Rational ...