Wednesday 9 October 2013

Salute to TC's Impact on Psychology: A tribute to Albert Ellis

Teacher College has been a hot bed of thinking and creativity for more than a century. The brightest luminary (in my opinion) is Dr Albert Ellis whose REBTspawned the cognitive therapy revolution. The REBE School Cluster in Whyalla South Australia wishes to acknowledge the rich legacy of thinking and creativity that Dr Ellis has left us. We continue to apply his ABC Theory of Emotional Disturbance in learning and teaching across all year levels (preschool to year 10) so that children can learn to be less disturbable and more able to pursue their goals in life, to be happy and successful. Thanks Dr Ellis from all of us Rational Emotive Behaviour Educators in Whyalla, South Australia. Have a look at this tribute to the life and work of a true legend of psychology, Dr. Albert Ellis.

What’s Unconditional Self- Acceptance?

This is warts n’ all acceptance of all the things that make up the complexity of the ‘self’,  a term we use when referring to the ‘me’ we un...